OHARA Jushi Kogyo co.,ltd.

●Quality policies(ISO9001)

Based on "Quality Supremacy," provide products that meet quality requirements of customers, and contribute to the society through the business activity.

Registration number:JQA-QM4527

●Environmental policy(ISO14001)

1.Promotion of activities for reducing resource and energy consumption
  omote recycling of plastic scraps, aim to generate no waste, make efforts to reduce resource and energy consumption, use them effectively, solve environmental issues, and prevent environmental contamination.

2.Compliance with environmental regulations
  Comply with environmental laws, regulations, conventions, other national, prefectural, and municipal requirements, and participate in local environmental conservation

3.Continuous promotion of environmental conservation activities
  Set and review environmental objectives and target in order to promote continuous improvement of environmental conservation and prevention by all employees, and make efforts to improve continuously the environmental management system by implementing internal environmental audit.

4.Promotion of effective activities for improving environmental aspects
  Through improvement of main business, promote improvement activities continuously that contribute to reduce impacts on the environment indirectly, and review the progress regularly.

5.Promotion of awareness campaigns
  Maintain structure, regulations and procedures of internal environmental activities, keep employees informed through education and training, and promote awareness

Registration number:JQA-EM2431

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